Latest version.
This table lists all legislation of the parish. An asterisk to the left of the date indicates that the material was included in the Code of Ordinances. See the Code Comparative Table for the location of said legislation.
Date Subject Ord. 3-2-1874 Selects parish courthouse and courtroom, obsolete Ord. 3-2-74 Designates courtroom, superseded Ord. 3-2-74 Appoints specific individuals, obsolete Ord. 3-2-74 Designates location of office, repealed Ord. 3-2-74 Appropriations, repealed Ord. 3-2-74 Amends Ord. 1, obsolete Ord. 3-2-74 Duties of District Attorney to look into claims, obsolete Ord. 3-2-74 Designates specific offices, repealed Ord. 3-3-74 Allows calculation of debt, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Accepts report, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Estimate of parish expenses, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Public road Ord. 3-3-74 Repeals Art. V, Police Jury Proceedings, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Allows gate to be placed on road, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Considers purchase of building, obsolete Ord. 3-3-74 Reports, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Contracts, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Public road Ord. 3-4-74 Sets ferry toll, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Instructs District Attorney to collect licenses, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Allows individual to keep certain monies, repealed, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Same Ord. 3-4-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Allows loss ward, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Authorizes salaries, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Accepts accounts, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Repeals Art. VII, obsolete Ord. 3-4-74 Repeals Art. II of Police Jury proceedings, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Authorizes purchases, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Salaries, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Public road Ord. 4-6-74 Makes certain report final, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Lowers tarriff taxes, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Orders assessment of taxes, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Fixes licenses for year 1874, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Allows fractional licenses, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Explanation of 1874 licenses, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Allows salvaged materials from courthouse to be sold, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Rejects specific purchase, obsolete Ord. 4-6-74 Accepts road laid out according to Art. 26 of Police Jury Ord. 4-7-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Bids for prison, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Accepts bonds of specific individual, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Amends "Art. 43 of proceedings of Police Jury," obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Designates saloon as courthouse, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Jail, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Jail, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Excepts bills, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Commands sheriff to take prisoners, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Authorizes certificate of indebtedness, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Authorizes certificate of indebtedness, obsolete Ord. 4-7-74 Appropriations, obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Appoints specific individual, obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Authorizes purchase of safe, obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Bonding ord., obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Approves district attorney pro tem, obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Excuses coroner from rest of specific meeting Ord. 5-4-74 Accounting procedures Ord. 5-4-74 Salary ordinance, obsolete Ord. 5-4-74 Accounting procedures Ord. 5-4-74 Payment of claims Ord. 5-4-74 Tax, obsolete, expired Ord. 5-4-74 Deebs Dick Pritchtani appointed as Auditor, obsolete Ord. of 5-4-74 Special tax, obsolete Ord. of 6-2-74 Accepts bid Res. of 1-8-75 Wolf bounty Res. of 1-8-75 Public road Ord. 5-3-75 Final settlement of Tax Collector of 1 year Res. 6-4-75 Public road Mo. 11-1-75 Public road Mo. 5-8-75 Unbranded cattle Res. 2-7-76 Public road Mo. 2-9-76 Public road Res. 2-5-77 Amends stock law Res. 7-8-78 Public road Res. 7-8-78 Public road Res. 7-9-78 Wards Res. 7-9-78 Voting precincts Res. 10-14-78 Public road Res. 7-11-79 Public road Act. 4-15-79 Sunday closing law superseded Act. 7-15-79 Rural boundaries Act. 7-15-79 J. P. District Mo. 11-14-89 Public road Ord. 1-7-80 Ferry charter, obsolete Ord. 1-7-80 Citation procedure, obsolete Act. 5-18-80 Prohibition, obsolete Mo. 10-19-80 Public road Mo. 12-6-80 Same Mo. 12-6-80 Same Res. 1-4-81 Same Res. 7-5-88 Livestock Res. 10-2-81 Public road Res. 1-2-82 Same Mo. 1-3-82 Same Res. 4-82 Same Res. 10-2-82 Killing animals Res. 10-2-82 Public road Res. 1-2-83 Same Res. 4-2-83 Same Res. 6-6-83 Same Res. 6-6-83 Same Res. 6-6-83 Same Res. 7-7-83 Same Res. 4-8-84 Same Res. 4-8-84 Same Res. 7-9-84 License for gates Res. 10-6-84 Legal fence defined Res. 10-6-84 Public roads Mo. 4-6-85 Same Mo. 7-6-85 Same Mo. 4-5-86 Same Mo. 4-5-86 Same Mo. 4-6-86 Sunday Closing Law Mo. 9-4-86 Public roads Mo. 4-4-88 Same Mo. 4-5-88 Same Res. 7-4-87 Animals Mo. 1-2-88 Skinning dead cattle Res. 10-6-90 Public roads Res. 10-6-90 Public roads Ord. 1-10-90 Gates on road, superseded Res. 4-7-90 Public roads Res. 4-7-90 Same Mo. 7-7-90 Same Res. 7-7-90 Same Res. 7-11-90 Same Res. 7-11-90 Same Res. 10-6-90 Same Mo. 1-5-91 Same Res. 1-6-91 Same Res. 1-6-91 Same Res. 4-6-91 Same Mo. 7-6-91 Same Mo. 7-10-91 Same Mo. 10-5-91 Same Res. 10-5-91 Same Mo. 4-4-92 Same Mo. 7-1-92 Same Res. 10-3-92 Same Res. 1-2-93 Same Res. 1-5-93 Same Res. 10-2-93 Same Res. 1-2-94 Same Res. 1-2-94 Same Res. 1-2-94 Same Res. 1-2-94 Same Res. 4-2-94 Same Res. 4-2-94 Same Mo. 7-2-94 Same Res. 7-3-94 Same Mo. 7-6-94 Same Res. 4-2-95 Same Res. 10-8-95 Same Res. 1-5-96 Same Mo. 1-5-1896 Same Mo. 1-7-96 Same Mo. 1-8-96 Same, amends Mo. of 1-7-1896 Mo. 7-8-96 Public road Mo. 7-8-96 Same Ord. 10-5-97 Same Ord. 10-6-97 Hunting Ord. 2, 10-6-97 Oyster fishing Ord. 3, 10-6-96 Restricts fishing to residents only, obsolete Mo. 10-7-96 Public road Mo. 10-7-96 Same Res. 1-5-97 Same Res. 4-7-97 Same Mo. 4-7-97 Same Res. 4-7-97 Gate Mo. 4-8-97 Public road Mo. 4-8-97 Same Res. 4-8-97 Same Res. 1-5-97 Same Res. 1-6-97 Same Ord. 9-24-97 Quarantine, obsolete Mo. 9-25-97 Penalty for violating health rules Ord. 9-25-97 Health inspections Ord. 9-25-97 Parish wide quarantine, obsolete Res. 10-4-97 Public road Res. 10-4-97 Public road Res. 10-4-97 Port rules Res. 10-5-97 Public road Mo. 10-5-97 Public road Mo. 10-6-97 Police jury rules Res. 10-7-97 Amends Ord. No. 5 Res. 1-4-98 Public road Res. 1-4-98 Public road Res. 1-4-98 Same Res. 1-4-98 Same Res. 1-5-98 Same Mo. 1-5-98 Same Res. 1-5-98 Same Mo. 1-6-98 Same Mo. 4-4-98 Same Mo. 4-6-98 Same Motion 7-8-98 Same Motion 7-9-98 Same Petition 7-9-98 Same Mo. 7-9-98 Same Mo. 7-9-98 Same Ord. 10-4-98 Width of public road Ord. 10-4-98 Hunting Mo. 1-2-99 Public road Mo. 1-4-99 Same Mo. 1-4-99 Same Mo. 4-3-99 Same Mo. 4-3-99 Same Mo. 4-3-99 Same Mo. 4-4-99 Same Mo. 7-10-99 Same Mo. 7-10-99 Same Mo. 7-10-99 Same Mo. 7-11-99 Same Mo. 7-18-99 Same Mo. 7-18-99 Same Mo. 7-14-99 Same Mo. 10-2-99 Same Mo. 10-3-99 Same Mo. 10-3-99 Same Ord. 10-3-1899 Reports of cattle slaughtering, obsolete Mo. 1-2-1900 Public road Mo. 1-2-1900 Same Mo. 1-3-1900 Same Mo. 4-2-1900 Same Report 4-3-1900 Same Mo. 4-3-1900 Same Mo. 4-3-1900 Same Mo. 4-4-1900 Same Mo. 10-1-1900 Same Mo. 10-2-1900 Livestock running at large Mo. 1-9-01 Public road Mo. 1-9-01 Public road Mo. 1-9-01 Same Mo. 1-9-01 Same Report 4-1-01 Public roads Mo. 4-3-01 Public roads Mo. 7-2-01 Road district Mo. 10-7-01 Public road Report 10-7-01 Public road Ord. 1-5-03 Franchise Ord. 4-7-03 Special tax Ord. 4-7-03 Special tax Mo. 4-7-03 Hunting Mo. 4-8-03 Public road Mo. 7-6-03 Same Mo. 7-8-03 Same Ord. 7-8-03 Special tax Ord. 9-8-03 Prohibits importing cotton, obsolete (for bollweevil infestation of that date) Ord. 10-6-03 Same Record 4-6-04 Public road Ord. 7-6-04 Killing alligators Mo. 10-4-04 Public road Mo. 10-4-04 Public road Ord. 2-15-05 Diseased cattle, obsolete Mo. 4-4-05 Public road Mo. 4-5-05 Same Mo. 7-5-05 Same Mo. 7-5-05 Same Mo. 7-5-05 Public road Ord. 10-3-05 Driving cattle Mo. 1-2-06 Same Mo. 1-2-06 Public road Ord. 1-3-06 Hunting regulations Report 1-3-06 Public road Report 1-3-06 Same Report 1-3-06 Same Mo. 1-3-06 Same Mo. 4-2-06 Same Mo. 7-2-06 Public road Record 7-3-06 Re motion of 7-3-06 Mo. 7-5-06 Public road Mo. 10-1-06 Same Mo. 10-2-06 Same Mo. 10-2-06 Same Mo. 1-7-07 Same Mo. 1-7-07 Same Mo. 1-7-07 Same Mo. 4-1-07 Same Mo. 4-1-07 Same Ord. 10-9-07 Special election Ord. 10-9-07 Same Ord. 10-9-07 Same Ord. 10-26-07 Special tax Ord. 4-6-08 Special tax Ord. 4-7-08 Calls election Mo. 4-8-08 Public road Ord. 7-7-08 Public road Ord. 8-3-08 Calls election Ord. 10-19-08 Prohibition ord. Mo. 10-7-08 Public road Ord. 10-11-08 Regulates game birds Mo. 1-5-09 Working prisoners Mo. 1-15-09 Public road Report 1-15-09 Public road Mo. 4-5-09 Public road Ord. 4-6-09 Vehicles to stop when approaching horses, obsolete Ord. 10-4-09 Shipping potatoes Record 10-4-09 Public road Ord. 1-3-10 Rights-of-way Ord. 1-4-10 Hunting Ord. 1-19-10 Calls elections Report 7-10-11 Roads Ord. 7-11-11 Creates ward boundaries Ord. 7-11-11 Creates ward 6 Res. 7-12-11 Road Ord. 7-12-11 Calls election Mo. 7-12-11 Road Ord. 4-1-12 Calls special election Ord. 4-1-12 Creates drainage dist. 1 Ord. 7-19-12 Calls special election Ord. 7-19-12 Bond to copy public records, repealed by later action Ord. 10-7-12 Excludes land from Drainage Dist. 1 Ord. 10-7-12 Creates Drainage Dist. 2 Ord. 10-7-12 Calls special election Res. 10-28-12 Excludes certain land from Drainage Dist. 1 & repeals Ord. of 9-24-12 Ord. 10-28-12 Excludes certain land from Drainage Dist. 1 Res. 10-28-12 Ordering election Ord. 6-19-13 Calls special election Ord. 7-19-13 Same Ord. 7-19-13 Same Ord. 1-5-14 Grants permission to build bridge, obsolete Ord. 4-6-14 Creates East Cameron Drainage Dist. 3 Mo. 7-6-14 Abandons road Ord. 7-7-14 Calls special election Ord. 2, 10-19-14 Adopts report of 10-19-14 Records 10-19-14 Road Ord. 10-1914 Franchise, expired Ord. 1-4-15 Regulates public dances Ord. 3, 1-4-15 Creates West Cameron Drainage Dist. 4 Ord. 6, 7-5-15 Calls special election Ord. 5, 7-5-15 Creates road district Documents 7-19-15 Road right-of-way and oath of commissioners Ord. 10-4-16 Calls election Ord. 4-3-16 Toll rates on old road, obsolete Ord. 9, 7-6-16 Calls election Mins. 1-19-17 Roads Ord. 1, 2-12-17 Cattle dipping Mo. 4-4-17 Road Ord. 2, 4-3-17 Creates Road Dist. 1 Document 4-18 Road Ord. 3, 10-1-17 Bridge removal Ord. 4, 10-2-17 Appoints specific person Oath 5-6-19 Road Oath 5-6-19 Road Mo. 4-7-19 Road dedication Mo. 4-7-19 Road dedication Res. 7-7-19 Roads *Oaths 8, 4-19- Public roads Res. 9-10-19 Public roads Res. 9-10-19 Public roads Mo. 4-1-18 Public roads Ord. 3, 4-1-18 Creates Road Dist. 2 Mo. 5-6-18 Public road Ord. 6-1-18 Franchise, expired Mo. 7-1-18 Roads Ord. 1-6-19 Annual license tax Ord. 2-21-19 Creates Road Dist. 5 Ord. 2-21-19 Creates Road Dist. 4 Ord. 2-21-19 Road Dist. 3 Ord. 4-4-19 Appoints specific individual to keep courthouse clean Res. 7-7-19 Police Jury meeting dates Ord. 8-4-19 Vacates public road Ord. 8-5-19 Grants right to construct wharf Res. 9-10-19 Adopts report of 9-9-19 Ord. 9-9-19 Roads Ord. 9-11-19 Dipping of cattle Ord. 10-15-19 Closes road temporarily *Mo. 9-3-19 Adopts report of 9-23-19 *Report 9-24-19 Roads Ord. 1-5-20 License ord., expired Ord. 3-1-20 Repeals Ord. of 7-19-12 re public records Res. 7, 8-2-20 Seal for Road Dist. 1 Ord. 2, 1-3-21 Annual license ord. Mo. 5-2-21 Public road *Ord. No. 3, 6-6-21 Vehicle restrictions Mo. 7-6-21 Right-of-way Ord. 4, 1-2-22 Calls election Ord. 5, 6-5-22 Annual license tax Ord. 7-3-22 Designates official journal Res. 7-3-22 Rescinds Ord. of 1921 creating precinct 2 of ward 2 Ord. 6, 8-8-22 Repeals portion of 1922 license ord. Mo. 10-10-22 Road Ord. 7, 1-3-23 Annual license tax Ord. 8, 4-18-24 Hogs running at large Ord. 9, 2-5-24 Annual license Ord. 10, 10-26-24 Hunting Ord. 11, 7-7-24 Authorizing borrowing money Ord. 12, 7-6-25 Vehicle load limit Ord. 55, 9-4-25 Franchise, expired Ord. 14, 10-5-25 Livestock regulations Ord. 15, 12-7-25 Livestock regulations Ord. 16, 1-4-26 Authorizes borrowing money Ord. 10, 2-26-24 Hunting Ord. 11, 7-7-24 Authorizes borrowing money Ord. 12, 7-6-25 Vehicle load limit Ord. 55, 9-4-25 Franchise, expired Ord. 14, 10-5-25 Animal regulations Ord. 15, 12-7-25 Livestock regulations Ord. 16, 1-4-26 Authorizing borrowing money Ord. 17, 2-1-26 Annual license ord., obsolete Ord. 18, 2-3-25 Annual license, obsolete Ord. 20, 4-5-26 Creates sub-road district Ord. 21, 5-3-26 Creates sub-road district Ord. 22, 5-3-26 Calls special election Ord. 6-7-26 Special tax Ord. 24, 8-2-26 Explosives Ord. 25, 9-7-26 Creates Road Dist. 6 Ord. 9-7-26 Authorizes borrowing money Res. 11-1-26 Public roads Ord. 21, 12-6-26 Call special election Ord. 1-12-27 Promulgates election Ord. 1-12-27 Annual license ord., obsolete Ord. 28, 2-2-27 Bond issue Ord. 29, 2-2-27 Tax on special items Ord. 30, 7-6-27 Authorizes borrowing money Mo. 9-6-27 Right-of-way Ord. 32, 1-3-28 Annual license, obsolete Ord. A, 3-5-28 Amends Ord. of 12-7-25, animal regulations Ord. 5-8-28 Authorizes borrowing money, obsolete Ord. 34, 5-7-28 Notice of intention to consolidate road dist. (never found actual action consolidating) Ord. 35, 8-3-28 Right-of-way Report 8-6-28 Public road Ord. 5-7-28 Notice of intention to consolidate road dists. Ord. 8-6-28 Calls election, obsolete Ord. 9-12-28 Special tax Report 9-12-28 Public road *Ord. No. 37, 10-1-28 Franchise Report 12-3-28 Public roads Ord. 1-7-29 Annual license, obsolete Ord. 2-5-29 Franchise, expired Mo. 5-6-29 Public roads Res. 7-1-29 Roads Ord. 7-1-29 Livestock regulations Ord. 7-1-29 Designates official journal, obsolete Ord. 8-5-29 Franchise expired Report 9-2-29 Public roads Ord. 9-16-29 Franchise Ord. 2-4-30 Annual license ord., obsolete Ord. C, 3-3-30 Amends Ord. of 3-5-28, stock regulations Ord. 4-7-30 Calls special election Ord. 4-7-30 Franchise Ord. B, 5-14-30 Special tax, obsolete Ord. 5-14-30 Amends franchise ord., of 6-4-29, unable to find, obsolete Ord. B1, 5-14-30 Call special election, obsolete Ord. 7-9-30 Promulgates election results, obsolete Ord. 7-9-30 Names official journal, obsolete Report 7-9-30 Public roads Ord. 7-9-30 Appoint road commissioners, obsolete Report 8-4-30 Right-of-way Ord. 8-4-30 Authorizes borrowing money, obsolete Ord. 8-4-30 Franchise, expired Ord. 9-4-30 Gas tax, obsolete Mo. 9-4-30 Road dedication Ord. 1-5-31 License ord., obsolete *Ord. No. 3C, 4-6-31 Creates Gravity Drainage Dist. 3 Ord. 7-6-31 Authorizes borrowing money, obsolete Ord. 7-6-31 Designates parish journal, obsolete Ord. 7-6-31 Repealed by Ord. of 2-1-32 Ord. 9-7-31 Gas tax, obsolete Report 9-7-31 Right-of-way Ord. 9-2-31 Franchise, expired, obsolete Ord. 1-4-32 Annual license ord., obsolete Ord. 2-1-32 Livestock regulations Ord. 10-3-32 Gas tax, obsolete Ord. No. 12A, 10-3-33 Calls special election Ord. 1-6-33 Annual license, obsolete Ord. No. 12A, 4-3-33 Beverage regulations Ord. No. 13A, 4-3-33 Grants permission for breakwater Ord. 5-15-33 Authorizes borrowing money Ord. 9-5-33 Gas tax, obsolete Report 10-2-33 Public road Ord. No. 10B, 9-22-33 Franchise, expired Ord. No. AA1, 1-2-34 Annual license, obsolete Ord. 9-6-34 Gas tax, obsolete, superseded Rec. 10-1-35 Right-of-way Rec. 11-5-34 Right-of-way Ord. 1, 1-7-35 Livestock ord. Ord. 4, 1-7-35 Annual license ord., obsolete Mo. 5-6-35 Right-of-way Ord. 9-3-35 Gas tax Res. 10-7-35 Road abandonment Mo. 12-2-35 Right-of-way Mo. 12-2-35 Right-of-way Ord. 4A, 1-6-36 Annual license, obsolete Ord. No. 5A, 1-6-36 Beverage license, obsolete Ord. 3-3-36 Calls special election Ord. 26A, 4-13-36 Special assessment, obsolete Ord. 8-26-36 Calls special election Statement 10-12-36 Right-of-way Ord. 1-4-37 Annual license tax, obsolete Ord. 1-4-37 Beverage tax, obsolete Mo. 7-6-37 Right-of-way Mo. 7-6-37 Right-of-way Ord. 12-22-37 Franchise Ord. 1-3-38 Annual license tax, obsolete Ord. 1-3-38 Beverage tax, obsolete Ord. 3-7-38 Beverage regulations Mo. 8-1-38 Right-of-way Res. 6-6-38 Abandons road Mo. 10-3-38 Right-of-way Res. 11-7-38 Right-of-way transferred to U.S. Mo. 1-9-39 Rights-of-way Ord. 1-9-39 Annual license tax, obsolete Ord. 1-9-39 Beverage tax, obsolete Res. 2-16-39 Right-of-way *Res. 4-3-39 Franchise Mo. 9-5-39 Right-of-way *Res. 12-4-39 Franchise Ord. 2-5-40 Annual license, obsolete Ord. 2-5-40 Beverage tax, obsolete Ord. 7-1-40 Amends Ord. of 3-3-30, hogs running at large Ord. 9-4-40 Franchise; later revoked Housing res. 2-3-41 Regional housing authority, obsolete Ord. BX2-3-41 Annual license, superseded Ord. 2BX 2-3-41 Beverage license tax, superseded Res. 3-3-41 Abandons street *Ord. BX2 3-3-41 Creates Gravity Drainage Dist. 4 Mo. 4-7-41 Right-of-ways *Mo. 8-4-41 Street abandonment Mo. 9-2-41 Right-of-way Ord. 10-6-41 Hogs running at large Mo. 11-3-41 Right-of-way Ord. 1BX 3-2-42 Annual license, obsolete Ord. 2BX 3-2-42 Alcoholic beverage tax, superseded Mo. 8-3-42 Right-of-way Act 8-3-42 Closing service station for World War II on Sunday, obsolete Ord. BX 42 10-5-42 Closing hours of bars, superseded Mo. 9-7-42 Rights-of-way Ord. 11-2-42 World War I, 35 mile per hour speed limits, obsolete Ord. 12-7-42 Blackout ord., obsolete Ord. 2-1-43 Beverage ord. Ord. 2-1-43 Annual license Ord. No. AIA, 2-7-44 Annual license, obsolete *Ord. 5-19-44 Franchise Mo. 10-10-44 Right-of-way Res. 10-10-44 Polling place Mo. 11-6-44 Right-of-way Statement 12-4-44 Right-of-way Res. 12-4-44 Parish planning board Ord. 1-8-45 Annual license tax, obsolete Statement 1-8-45 Rights-of-way Mo. 3-5-45 Rights-of-way Res. 6-4-45 Recreation, Creole Board Mo. 1-7-46 Right-of-way Ord. 1-7-46 Annual license, superseded Statement 3-4-46 Right-of-way Mo. 3-4-46 Same Res. 4-1-46 Same Statement 5-7-46 Same Mo. 6-3-46 Same Res. 6-3-46 Same Statement 7-1-46 Abandons road Res. 7-1-46 Polling place Statement 8-5-46 Right-of-way Statement 9-3-46 Right-of-way Ord. No. 49346 Burial tax Res. 10-7-46 Right-of-way Statement 12-2-46 Road dedication Res. 1-6-47 Creates road district Mo. 11-4-46 Road dedication Mo. 2-3-47 Right-of-way Ord. No. BXY, 2-3-47 License ord., superseded Res. 4-7-47 Right-of-way Res. 4-7-47 Creates road dist. Mo. 8-4-47 Right-of-way Mo. 12-1-47 Same Res. 12-1-47 Same Res. 1-5-48 Adopts Ord. of 2-3-47 as beverage control ord. with amendment Mo. 2-2-48 Right-of-way Mo. 2-2-48 Right-of-way Res. 3-1-48 Road district created Mo. 3-1-48 Rights-of-way Ord. No. B1948, 6-7-48 Recorganizes Creole Drainage District Mo. 8-2-48 Right-of-way *Res. 9-7-48 Road dist. Mo. 10-4-48 Rights-of-way Res. 10-4-48 Same Mo. 11-1-48 Same Res. 1-3-49 Repeals Ord. BX42 Ord. No. BXZ, 1-3-49 Annual license ord., superseded Mo. 2-7-49 Rights-of-way Mo. 3-7-49 Rights-of-way Res. 4-22-49 Creates Road Dist. 3 Ord. No. H41, 5-2-49 Beverage regulations *Ord. No. BX96, 6-6-49 Obstructions of road Ord. No. BX97, 7-5-49 Special tax, obsolete Ord. No. BX98, 7-5-49 Beverage regulations Mo. 9-6-49 Right-of-way Mo. 11-7-49 Same Mo. 12-5-49 Same Mo. 1-3-50 Same Mo. 3-6-50 Same Ord. No. 1950A, 3-6-50 Regulates pipelines Mo. 4-3-50 Right-of-way *Res. 5-1-50 Franchise Ord. No. 1951A, 5-17-50 Repeals Ord. 1950A Res. 5-17-50 Franchise *Ord. No. 1951B, 5-17-50 Franchise *Res. 5-17-50 Franchise *Ord. No. 1952B, 5-17-50 Franchise *Ord. No. J-1, 6-5-50 Parking *Ord. No. 25B, 8-7-50 Concurs in creation of hospital service district Ord. No. 706, 8-1-50 Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Service Dist. Mo. 9-5-50 Right-of-way *Ord. No. 1D, 9-5-60 Parish health unit Mo. 10-3-50 Rights-of-way *Ord. No. B-60, 11-6-50 Franchise Mo. 11-6-50 Rights-of-way Mo. 12-4-50 Rights-of-way Ord. BXZ, 12-4-70 Annual license ord., superseded Mo. 4-2-51 Rights-of-way *Ord. of 7-2-51 Franchise Mo. 10-1-52 Rights-of-way Ord. 12-3-51 Annual license tax, superseded Ord. 2-452, 1-4-52 Franchise Ord. 1-4-52 Franchise Mo. 1-7-52 Right-of-way Mo. 2-4-52 Same Mo. 4-7-52 Same Mo. 7-7-52 Same Ord. 7-7-52B, 7-7-52 Parking; vehicular load limits Statement 8-4-52 Right-of-way Res. 9-3-52 Road Ord. 11-3-52 Social security; superseded Statement 12-1-52 Right-of-ways Ord. 2-9-53 Annual license taxes; superseded Res. 5-4-53 Abandons road Res. 5-4-53 Right-of-ways Res. 7-6-53 Creates Road Dist. 1A Res. 7-6-53 Creates Road Dist. 2A Statement 9-8-53 Road dedication Res. 11-2-53 Road dedication Res. 11-2-53 Abandons road Ord. 2-1-54 Annual license tax Res. 2-1-54 Closes road Statement 2-1-54 Right-of-way Ord. No. 4-5-54 Franchise Statement 5-3-54 Right-of-ways Res. 6-7-54 Accepts roads Res. 6-7-54 Abandons road Statement 6-7-54 Right-of-way Ord. 7-6-54 Taxicabs Res. 8-2-54 Abandons road Statement 9-7-54 Same Statement 10-4-54 Right-of-way Ord. 10-4-54 Bond issues and related matters *Res. 10-4-54 Creates Fire Protection Dist. 1 Ord. 11-1-54 Amends Ord. of 10-4-54, bond issues Res. 12-6-54 Abandons road Statement 12-15-24 Right-of-way Ord. 12-15-54 Franchise Statement 1-3-55 Right-of-way Ord. 1-3-55 Amends Ord. of 10-4-54, bond issue Statement 2-4-52 Right-of-way Statement 3-4-55 Right-of-way Res. 3-7-55 Right-of-way Res. 6-6-55 Road abandonment Statement 6-6-55 Road dedication *Ord. 7-5-55 Parking regulations Ord. 7-5-55 Livestock regulations *Ord. 8-155, 8-1-55 Franchise Ord. 8-1-55 Beverage regulations Ord. 8-1-55 Abandons street Res. 10-3-55 Right-of-way Res. 10-3-55 Franchise Statement 11-7-55 Right-of-way Res. 11-7-55 Abandons road *Ord. 12-6-55 Trespass Papers 1-3-56 Right-of-way Res. 2-6-56 Right-of-way Papers 2-6-56 Right-of-way Paper 3-5-56 Road dedication Papers 3-5-56 Road dedication Papers 4-2-56 Right-of-way Statement 5-7-56 Road dedication Statement 5-7-56 Road dedication Papers 4-23-56 Right-of-way Statement 6-1-56 Road dedication Ord. 5-23-56 Bond issue Papers 5-1-56 Road dedication Statement 7-30-56 Road dedication Papers 7-14-56 Road dedication Papers 8-3-56 Road dedication Ord. 9-4-56 Speed limits *Ord. 10-1-56 Regulates sale of fireworks *Ord. 10-1-56 Trespassing to hunt or fish Ord. 10-1-56 Beverage regulations Res. 12-4-56 Street dedication Ord. 1257, 1-7-57 License tax for 1957, obsolete and superseded Ord. 2-1-57 Bridge rate and tolls *Res. 2-1-57 Approves confirmed Road Dist. 7 Ord. No. 2457, 2-4-57 Abandons road Res. 3-13-57 Ratifies and confirms Road Dist. No. 7 Papers 3-8-57 Right-of-way Mo. 5-13-57 Road dedication *Ord. No. 51357, 5-13-57 Franchise Res. 7-1-58 Abandons road *Ord. 7-25-57 Plan commission Mo. 8-5-57 Road dedication Res. 10-7-57 Road adandonment Mo. 10-7-57 Road dedication *Ord. 10-7-57 Establishes parish library Mo. 11-4-57 Road dedication Res. 12-2-57 Creates Waterworks Dist. 1 Mo. 12-2-58 Road dedication *Ord. No. 1258, 12-2-57 License tax *Ord. No. 1658, 1-6-58 Franchise *Ord. 1-13-58 Creates Sewer Dist. 1 *Ord. 1-13-58 Creates Waterworks Dist. 1 Res. 1-13-58 Abandons road Mo. 12-2-58 Road dedication Mo. 5-5-58 Road dedication Res. 6-2-58 Abandons road Res. 6-2-58 Abandons road Mo. 6-2-58 Road dedication *Ord. 7-7-58 Fire department regulations *Res. 9-8-58 Cameron Fire Protection Dist 1 (Corrected by later entry of same date) Mo. 10-6-58 Road dedication *Ord. No. 10-58, 10-18-58 Civil defense organization, repealed Ord. 12-1-58 License tax *Res. 1-5-59 Creates Hackberry Fire Protection Dist. 1 *Ord. 1-5-59 Creates advisory council for aging Res. 2-16-59 Parish development board Mo. 4-6-59 Road dedication *Ord. No. 61-59, 6-1-59 Franchise Ord. 6-10-59 Promulgates election results *Ord. No. 7-59, 7-6-59 Creates Lower Cameron Hospital Service Dist. Mo. 8-3-59 Same Mo. 9-8-59 Road dedication Mo. 10-5-59 Road dedication Mo. 11-2-59 Rights-of-way dedication Mo. 12-7-59 Road dedication Ord. 12-7-59 License tax Mo. 1-4-60 Road dedication Mo. 2-1-60 Same Mo. 3-7-60 Same Mo. 4-4-60 Same *Ord. BX60-4, 6-6-60 Creates Hackberry recreation dist. Ord. 6-6-60 Designates parish journal for one year *Res. 6-6-60 Library fund Mo. 6-6-60 Road dedication Ord. 7-11-60 Fire department rules Mo. 7-11-60 Rights-of-way Res. 8-1-60 Abandoned road *Ord. BX-9, 1960, 9-6-60 Ward boundaries *Ord. BX-8, 1960, 9-6-60 Boundaries of Hackberry Recreation Dist. *Ord. BX-10, 1960, 9-6-60 Parish board of health Mo. 9-6-60 Rights-of-ways *Mo. 9-6-60 Voter registration Res. 11-7-60 Drilling permits Ord. BX-12, 1960, 2-5-60 Bond issue and related matters Ord. BX-14, 1960, 2-5-60 Reports of gasoline sales Ord. BX-16, 1960, 2-5-60 Amends Ord. No. 1258 Ord. BX-1, 1961, 3-6-61 Beverage regulations *Ord. BX-2, 1961, 3-6-61 Beverage regulations Res. 3-6-61 Public roads Ord. BX-3, 1961, 3-6-61 Amends Ord. No. BX-12, 1960, bond issues Mo. 3-6-61 Road dedication Ord. BX-4, 1961, 3-6-61 Abandons road *Ord. BX-5, 1961, 4-3-61 Franchise *Ord. BX-7, 1961, 4-3-61 Ratifies and approves Ord. of 1-3-58, Waterworks District 1 *Res. 4-3-61 Creates Garbage Dist. 1 Res. 5-1-61 Public roads *Res. 5-12-61 Public Utility Dist. 1 Ord. No. BX-8, 1961, 6-5-61 Speed limits Ord. No. BX-9, 1961, 6-5-61 Designates parish journal for one year Mo. 6-5-61 Street dedication Ord. 5-12-61 Promulgates election results Res. 7-3-61 Abandons road Mo. 7-3-61 Street right-of-ways Mo. 8-8-61 Road abandonment Mo. 8-7-61 Street dedication Mo. 9-5-61 Street acceptance Mo. 9-5-61 Street dedication Mo. 9-5-61 Same Mo. 10-2-61 Same Mo. 10-2-61 Public roads Mo. 10-2-61 Public roads Ord. BX12, 1961, 10-2-61 Vehicular load limit *Res. 10-2-61 Water franchise Mo. 11-6-61 Public right-of-way *Ord. BXY-1, 1962, 2-62 License Mo. 2-5-62 Public roads Mo. 2-5-62 Public roads Res. 3-5-62 Franchise Mo. 3-5-62 Public roads Mo. 3-5-62 Public road Res. 4-2-62 Abandons road *Ord. BXY-2, 1962, 4-2-62 Vehicular load limits Mo. 4-2-62 Public roads Mo. 4-30-62 Same Mo. 4-5-62 Same Mo. 4-30-62 Same Mo. 6-4-62 Same *Ord. BXY-3, 1962, 4-62 Dog regulations Mo. 6-4-62 Public right-of-way Ord. No. BXY-4, 1962, 6-4-62 Designates journal of parish for one year Res. 6-18-62 Public road right-of-way *Ord. No. BXY-5, 1962, 6-18-62 Franchise Res. 9-4-62 Public right-of-way *Ord. No. BXY-6, 1962, 9-4-62 Creates Gravity Drainage Dist. 5 Mo. 10-1-62 Accepts street *Ord. BXY-7, 1962, 10-1-62 Amends Ord. BXY-6, 1962(9-4-62) Ord. 12-3-62 Hogs running at large *Ord. 2-4-63 Cock fighting Ord. 4-1-63 Abandoning public road Mo. 4-1-63 Public road dedication Res. 8-5-63 Public right-of-way Res. 10-7-63 Abandons road Res. 10-7-63 Public road Mo. 11-4-63 Dedication of road Res. 12-2-63 Same Res. 2-3-64 Public street *Res. 6-1-64 Creates Garbage Dist. 2 Res. 6-1-64 Abandons public road Res. 7-6-64 Public roads Ord. 7-6-64 Vehicular parking Res. 10-5-64 Public road *Ord. 10-5-64 Livestock Ord. 10-5-64 Appoints gravity drainage dist. commissioner Res. 11-2-64 Public street Res. 11-2-64 Public street Ord. 11-2-64 Appointing drainage dist. commissioners Res. 12-7-64 Public street Ord. 2-1-65 Re permits for work in streams Mo. 4-5-65 Dedication of street Res. 4-5-65 Public streets Ord. 4-5-65 Speed limits 4-5-65 (Ord.) Speed limits *4-5-65 (Ord.) Permits to work over public right-of-ways Ord. No. 1965-97, 9-7-65 Bond issue and related matters *Ord. 9-7-65 Shooting of deer Res. 10-4-65 Abandons road *Ord. No. 1965-1018 10-18-65 Amends Ord. of 10-4-64 Res. 11-1-65 Abandons street Res. 12-6-65 Street right-of-way Res. 11-2-64 Right-of-way Res. 11-2-64 Right-of-way Ord. 11-2-64 Appoints Gravity Drainage Dist. 5 commissioner Res. 12-4-64 Right-of-way Res. 2-1-65 Permits for work in streams Ord. 4-5-65 Speed limits Ord. 4-5-65 Speed limits Ord. 4-5-65 Road work permit Res. 9-7-65 Road dedication information Ord. No. 1965-97 Authorizes bond funding Res. 12-5-65 Road dedication Mo. 2-7-66 Accepts right-of-way *Ord. No. 466, 4-4-66 Amends Ord. No. 1258 Mo. 7-5-66 Abandons road Mo. 6-6-66 Road dedication Mo. 8-1-66 Road abandonment Mo. 8-1-66 Road dedication Res. 9-6-66 Re road dedication Res. 8-1-66 Abandons roads *Ord. 9-6-66 Franchise Ord. 11-7-66 Speed limits Ord. 11-7-66 Same Ord. 12-5-66 Same Res. 3-6-67 Abandons road Res. 3-31-67 Notice of intention to create gas district *Res. 6-5-67 Boundaries of sewer dist. 1 Res. 7-3-67 Abandons right-of-ways Ord. 8-7-67 Sewage disposal Res. 1-8-68 Parking ramp franchise Res. 2-5-68 Abolishes Bell City Drainage Dist. 1 *Ord. 3-4-68 Boundaries of Gravity Drainage Dist. 3 *Ord. 3-4-68 Enlarges boundaries of Gravity Drainage Dist. 4 *Ord. 3-4-68 Beverage regulations Ord. 6-3-68 Speed limits *Ord. 6-3-68 Littering Mo. 8-5-68 Abandons right-of-way Ord. 8-5-68 Amends Ord. of 12-7-25, animal regulations *Ord. 8-7-68 Dumping raw sewage on public beach prohibited Res. 10-1-68 Abandoned roads Ord. 12-3-68 Mineral exploration permits Mo. 12-3-68 Road acceptance Mo. 1-7-69 Right-of-way *Ord. 1-7-69 Permits for oil and gas exploration, etc. *Ord. 2-4-69 Fall-out shelters and buildings Mo. 2-4-69 Accepts right-of-way *Res. 2-4-69 Creates Waterworks Dist. 2 *Ord. 7-1-69 Beverage regulations Ord. 7-1-69 Speed limits Mo. 7-1-69 Accepts road right-of-way Ord. 8-5-69 Peddlers tax Ord. 8-5-69 Speed limits Res. 9-2-69 Flood control insurance applications Mo. 12-2-69 Accepts right-of-way Res. 2-3-70 Flood insurance assurances Res. 2-3-70 Abandons road *Ord. 4-7-70 Abandoned vehicles Mo. 4-7-70 Abandons road *Ord. 5-5-70 Manual labor by prisoners Ord. 6-15-70 Franchise Res. 8-5-70 Road dedications *Res. 9-1-70 Authorizes housing authority *Ord. 1-5-71 Regulates peddlers Res. 4-6-71 Abandons road Ord. 10-5-71 Speed limits *Ord. 9-7-71 Creates Bayou Johnson recreation dist. Mo. 10-5-71 Road dedication Mo. 12-7-71 Accepts road right-of-way *Ord. 12-29-71 Flood control Mo. 3-7-72 Right-of-way Ord. 3-8-72 Bond issue *Ord. 4-4-72 Creates Mosquito Abatement Dist. 1 Res. 4-4-72 Abandons road Res. 4-4-72 Abandons road Ord. 6-5-72 Livestock; repealed by later ord. Ord. 6-5-72 Designates custodian for flood insurance information Ord. 7-5-72 Speed limits Res. 9-5-72 Creates Waterworks Dist. 3; abolished by later ord. *Ord. 9-5-72 Regional planning Res. 10-3-72 Creates Waterworks Dist. 4; abolished by later ord. Mo. 11-7-72 Road right-of-way Mo. 11-7-72 Same Res. 11-7-72 Same Mo. 12-5-72 Same Mo. 1-3-73 Road right-of-way *Ord. 2-6-73 Recreation Dist. 3 Mo. 4-3-73 Road dedication Ord. 4-3-73 Creates Recreation Dist. 4 *Ord. 4-3-73 Creates Garbage Dist. 3 *Res. 4-3-73 Bicentennial comm. *Ord. 7-3-73 Franchise Ord. 3-13-73 Regulates alcoholic beverages Res. 3-13-73 Repeals alcoholic beverage Ord. of 10-1-56 Mo. 8-7-73 Accepts right-of-way *Ord. 8-7-73 Creates Waterworks Dist. 5 *Ord. 5-1-73 Garbage disposal Ord. 5-1-73 Creates recreation Dist. 5 *Ord. 12-4-73 Creates Sewer Dist. 2 Ord. 2-5-74 Speed limit Mo. 2-5-74 Accepts right-of-way Mo. 1-8-74 Accepts road right-of-way Res. 1-8-74 Abandons road Ord. 1-8-74 Creates Fire Protection Dist. 3; abolished by Ord. of 2-3-75 Mo. 3-5-74 Right-of-way *Ord. 3-5-74 Junked vehicles Ord. 3-5-74 Bond issue Ord. 4-2-74 Livestock regulations *Res. 7-2-74 Insurance for emergency medical vehicles *Ord. 7-2-74 Creates Waterworks Dist. 6 Res. 7-2-74 Abandons roads Mo. 8-6-74 Road right-of-way *Ord. 8-6-74 Creates Waterworks Dist. 7 *Ord. 8-6-74 Creates Waterworks Dist. 8 Mo. 9-3-74 Right-of-way Mo. 10-4-74 Accepts right-of-way by reference Ord. 12-2-74 Authorizes pipeline alterations Mo. 12-2-74 Road right-of-way *Ord. 12-16-74 Flood hazard control Ord. 3-1-75 Amends Ord. of 12-29-71 re flood control regulations *Ord. 3-1-75 Livestock regulations Res. 1-6-75 Abandons certain ditches Ord. 2-3-75 Abolishes Fire Protection Dist. No. 3 *Ord. 2-3-75 Creates Fire Protection Dist. No. 7 Res. 4-7-75 Abandons road Mo. 6-4-75 Approves road right-of-way by reference *Ord. 6-4-75 Creates waterworks Dist. 9 Mo. 6-4-75 Accepts road right-of-way by reference *Ord. 6-4-75 Personnel policies Mo. 6-4-75 Adopts office rules *Ord. 7-1-75 Civil defense organization *Ord. 8-5-75 Vacation pay *Ord. 9-2-75 Amends Ord. of 2-3-75 (FPD No. 7) Mo. 10-7-75 Accepts right-of-way by reference *Ord. 10-7-75 Amends Ord. of 11-7-72 re planning comm. Res. 10-7-75 Disclaimer of titles and certain public right-of-ways Res. 7-7-75 Fire protection Dist No. 7 bond issue *Ord. 2-3-76 1-6-76 Obscenity *Ord. 3-2-76 Driveways Mo. 3-2-76 Abandons road Ord. 3-19-76 Abolishes old Recreation Dists. 4 & 5 *Ord. 3-19-76 Recreation Dist. No. 4 *Ord. 3-19-76 Recreation Dist. No. 5 Mo. 4-6-76 Abandons road Res. 5-5-76 Authorizes abandonment of Highway 27 *Ord. 5-5-76 Hackberry Fire Dept. Mo. 5-5-76 Authorizes surface lease *Mo. 5-5-76 Salaries of board of commissioners of sewage Dist. 1 *Res. 5-5-76 Tourist development comm. *Ord. 6-7-76 Waterworks Dist. No. 10 created Mo. 6-7-76 Acceptance of streets in Erbelding Subdivision Mo. 6-7-76 Acceptance of street R/O/W from Mrs. Avis Newman Minutes of 7-6-76 (None of G & P nature) Minutes of 8-3-76 (None of G & P nature) Mo. 9-7-76 Right-of-way from Alvin Guidry accepted Mo. 9-7-76 Right-of-way from R. L. Hebert, Sr. & R. Granger accepted *Ord. 10-5-76 Designates certain bank holidays